Friday, 7 February 2020

Abdul Rahman bin Haji Noordin

Haji Noordin had 6 children. Abdul Rahman bin Haji Noordin was the eldest son of Haji Noordin bin Ismail. 

Abdul Rahman bin Haji Noordin is the eldest son.
Abdul Rahman bin Haji Noordin.

Patemah?, wife of Abdul Rahman bin Haji Noordin.

Second-Lieutenant Abdul Rahman bin Haji Noordin, SSVF, was promoted to Lieutenant in 1938.

Abdul Rahman's profile on

Wife of Abdul Rahman bin Haji Noordin's profile on

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Post-War Weddings in Banda Hilir, Melaka 1948 and 1950

There are two sets of wedding photos in Banda Hilir, Melaka, after the war:
  1. 22 June 1948 - unknown wedding
  2. Wedding of Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman and Bokma bt Sam on 8-11 October 1950

22 June 1948 Wedding
This is probably bertandang.

22 June 1948 (photo was received by Pak Bakau on 1 July 1948).

22 June 1948 (photo was received by Pak Bakau on 1 July 1948).

8-11 October 1950 Wedding

Who is getting married? Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman
Whose wedding is this? Abdul Ghani's wedding
Who are in the photo? Abdul Ghani and his parents
Whose car has the number plate M 2451?
Whose house is in the bkgr? The house in the bkgr belongs to Haji Jaafar
Where was this? In Banda Hilir, Malacca

When was this wedding? 8 October 1950, photos were taken by Bapak before he went to MCKK.


(House in the background is Haji Jaafar's house in Banda Hilir)
Sunday, 8 October 1950
Nikah - the groom goes to the bride's house.

There are 6 wedding photos but only one has a name written and dated to 8.10.50. The other 5 photos have no dates or names written. It is unknown whether the photos are related or belonged to one wedding or other weddings.
The groom returns to his home. This 8 October 1950 photo shows a trishaw arriving on the grounds of 302 Banda Hilir. Who is seated on the trishaw? Who is riding the trishaw? There is an arched roof, a column and a high perimeter wall.
The far bkgr has a house with attap roof. There is a boy holding a kompang at right. 

Bapak wrote on the back of this wedding photo:
"A. Ghani bin A. Rahman sebelum pergi nikah - hari Ahad, 8.10.50. Taken by A. Rashid".

This car is possibly a 1949 Plymouth, manufactured by Daimler Chrysler, USA.
This car also looks like a Polish Warszawa, but the Polish started manufacturing this car in 1951, after this wedding date. So this is not a Polish Warszawa car.

The car's number plate is M 2451. The taller man (groom) is Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman. The shorter man with songkok is unknown (probably groom's father). The house in the background is Haji Jaafar's house. The 302 Banda Hilir house is next door on the left and hidden behind the trees (not visible in these photos).

Groom and his father. The house in the background is Haji Jaafar's house. The tall man getting married is Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman. The man beside him could be his father, Abdul Rahman bin Hj Noordin.

Groom is Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman. He is very tall. This is in front of Haji Jaafar's house.

Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman getting married.

Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman.
Wife of Abdul Ghani.
Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman and wife, Bokma bt Sam.

Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman (groom) and Bokma bt Sam (bride). The newly weds are seated on a dais (pelamin).
The man and woman are Abdul Rahman and wife Fatma/Padma.
They are the groom's parents.

11 October 1950 Wedding
Bertandang - the bride visits the groom's house.

Bride (Bokma bt Sam) arriving at the groom's house on 11 October 1950.

Bokma bt Sam (bride), a lady with serban and a man who looks like Tok Mohd Yusope (Walid - he died in 1954)
Bokma bt Sam on 11 October 1950. The car looks the same as the one at the groom's house. Who is the woman holding the bride's hand? Mak Andam? Her mother?
There is bunga manggar behind the big car (same big car).
Bokma bt Sam on 11 October 1950.
Bokma bt Sam on 11 October 1950.

Bapak's pendrive and photos after he died.
Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
Died 8 March 2009

Please let me know if you know anything about these photos or people in these photos. 

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Mohamed Firdaus b Mohamed Ibrahim

I received another contact from Bapak's relative, from Tok Hj Noordin's side - from one of his sons-in-law's (Tambi b Ahmad) downline. Hj Tambi b Ahmad was Firdaus's paternal great-grandfather.

Tambi, Bapak and Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff were photographed together in 1948, after WW2. Refer post

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

From Firdaus Ibrahim (1 June 2014):

Mohamed Firdaus b Mohamed Ibrahim b Hj Mohamed b Hj Tambi b Ahmad b Zainal Abidin. Used to call aunt/uncle as ami n umi..

Fb ibrahim firdaus

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

These names refer to 2 different men:
  1. Tamby bin Hj Ahmad ... this name was used in the 17 December 1948 photo caption. This man lives in Singapore (born circa 1935) - his parents are HABHAL and Nenek Amnah bt Hj Mohd Sharif. He has 2 married sons - Effendy and Baharin. All the families live in Singapore.
  2. Hj Tambi bin Ahmad ... this name is obtained from Firdaus Ibrahim's namestring. This man is from Banda Hilir.

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

1 June 2014

These are the people in Mohamed Firdaus's lineage:
  1. Ahmad Zainal Abidin ... Firdaus's great-great-grandfather
  2. Hj Tambi b Ahmad Zainal Abidin ... Firdaus's great-grandfather
  3. Hj Mohamed b Hj Tambi ... Firdaus's grandfather
  4. Mohamed Ibrahim b Hj Mohamed ... Firdaus's father
  5. Mohamed Firdaus b Mohamed Ibrahim ....  this is Firdaus who works at Masjid Shah Alam

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

Update 4 August 2015

I contacted M Firdaus again today in Messenger and in FB. He also has WhatsApp.

This is his long namestring:

Mohamed Firdaus b Mohamad Ibrahim b Hj Mohamed b Hj Tambi b Ahmad b Zainal Abidin.

This namestring contains 6 generations:
  1. Son: Mohamed Firdaus
  2. Father: Mohamad Ibrahim
  3. Grandfather: Hj Mohamed
  4. Great-grandfather: Hj Tambi
  5. Great-great-grandfather: Ahmad
  6. Great-great-great-grandfather: Zainal Abidin

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

Updated 18 September 2017
based on additional family tree chart received from him via Facebook
on 18 Sept 2017.

These are the people in Mohamed Firdaus's family tree:
  1. Dato Awaluddin (Riau) had 6 children: Khatib Jamaluddin, Ibrahim, Rahimah, Fatimah, Bondeng, and Dato Jeragan Abdul Rahman.
  2. Fatimah married twice. Fatimah's 2 husbands are 1) Hj Amil and 2) Hj Mohd Amin.
  3. Hj Amil's 7 children are: Dato Muda Haji Salleh, Haji Ahmad, Haji Abas, Haji Yusof, Haji Dhiyauddin, Muhyiddin, and Abu Bakar.
  4. Haji Ahmad married Fatimah. They have 7 children: (a girl), Md Baki, Abdul Hamid, Ibrahim, Noh, Hjh Halimah, and Md Mustafa.
  5. Ibrahim married Khatijah. Their 7 children are: Siti Mariam, Siti Fatimah, Sulaiman, Ahmad, Siti Atiqah, Siti Aminah, Nafisah, and Md Shuib.
  6. Ahmad married 3 wives: 1) Intan 2) Wok and 3) Puan. Intan had 3 kids: Siti Hawa, Md Yusuf and Zainal Abidin (Za'ba).
  7. Md Yusuf married 2 wives: 1) Che Wan and 2) Puteh. Che Wan had 4 children: Ahmad Khalid, Ahmad Kamaluddin, Ahmad Zainal Abidin and Azizah. Ahmad Zainal Abidin is Firdaus's great-great-grandfather.
  8. Haji Tambi bin Ahmad Zainal Abidin is Firdaus's great-grandfather.
  9. Haji Mohamed bin Haji Tambi is Firdaus's grandfather.
  10. Mohamed Ibrahim bin Haji Mohamed is Firdaus's father.
  11. Mohamed Firdaus bin Mohamed Ibrahim works at Masjid Shah Alam, Selangor.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Munshi Abdullah

From Mahadhir Mohamad (19 June 2013):
Sumber terbaru, hj nordin ada kemungkinan ada kaitan dengan munsyi abdullah. Hj nordin sering berkunjung ke kg ketek, kg hulu di rumah sorang kaya di sana atas dasar hubungan saudara. Di sana terdapat rumah asal munsyi abdullah. - Mahadhir Mohamad, 19 June 2013

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

From me:
Abdullah was a bright Indian Muslim child and the only son of his parents. He grew up and became a scribe and language teacher (munshi). Munshi Abdullah had worked in Malacca first and then went to Singapore to work for Stamford Raffles.

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)


From Singapore Infopedia (2004):
- retrieved 19 June 2013

Father: Sheikh Abdul Kadir  -- a religious Muslim of Arab-Indian descent; died 1820 in Malacca; married 2 wives: 1. m _____ Who was his first wife? 2. m Selama in 1785.

Mother : a Malacca-born half-Indian named Selama (d. 1826). She was the second wife of Abdul Kadir and they were married in 1785.
Sheikh Abdul Kadir passed away first in 1820 and was buried in ____? His second wife Selama passed away 6 years later in 1826.
Sibs: 5 - four brothers before him all died in infancy.
Siblings : Abdullah's first four elder brothers all died in infancy. Abdullah was the fifth son, but the first to have survived.
(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

Full name: Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir
Call name: Munshi Abdullah

Faith: Islam (Muslim)
Childhood: strict religious upbringing and scholarly education

Early life:

1797: Birth in Kg Pali, Malacca
1798: Aged 1
1799: Aged 2

1800: Aged 3
1801: At the age of four, he learnt to scribble on a schoolboy's slate (kalam).
1802: Aged 5
1803: At the age of six he suffered a severe attack of dysentry.
1804: At the age of seven, his developmental milestones were lagging.
Abdullah could not read the Quran. While other children chanted Quranic verses, he traced out the written Arabic characters with his pen. Did he have paper and an ink pen or did he write on a slate board? He was seven years old, when his strict father, furious at his son's backwardness, sent him to the  Quran school in his village (Madrasah Quran Kg Pali). His father monitored him closely and was careful not to let his son neglect his Quran studies. 
This was the same way that a relative from Kg Hulu, Syed Sheikh bin Syed Ahmad had brought up his only grandson, (Dr) Syed Mohamed bin Alwi Al-Hadi in his home at 410 Jalan Jelutong in Penang. He was raised by Syed Sheikh's third wife, Sharifah Zainah Al-Mashhur. Datuk Dr Syed Mohamed Alwi Al-Hadi became Penang's eminent gastrosurgeon.
For writing exercises, his father made Abdullah write the Arabic names of all the people he saw at the masjid (which masjid, Masjid Kg Pali or Masjid Kg Hulu?). He was severely punished for making mistakes until he wrote without any mistakes. 
Abdullah had to write the complete Quran and translate an Arabic text into Malay. Where is his handwritten Quran today? Was Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar aware of Munshi Abdullah's handwritten Quran? Which particular text did Abdullah translate
1805: Aged 8
1806: Aged 9
1807: Aged 10
1808: At age 11 he was skilled and could document things and wrote Quranic text and got paid.
1809: Aged 12
1810: At age 13, he taught Islam to Muslim soldiers at A'Famosa, the Malacca fort.
He was writing Quranic Texts for the Muslim soldiers of the Malaccan Garrison. By 13, he was teaching Islam to mostly Muslim soldiers of the Indian garrison stationed in the Malaccan Fort. From them he learned Hindustani. The soldiers called him Munshi (sometimes spelt munsyi, it is Malay for a "teacher" of language), a title which stuck to him for the rest of his life, and by which he is still known. 
But his father insisted he get on with his Malay studies which were just beginning, and his first real chance of a secular education. The first big opportunity he had to prove his worth to his parents, was when his father was away from the office, Abdullah wrote out the bond, a signed document required for a ship's Captain. As the Captain was leaving with his document, and Abdullah having been paid a dollar for his efforts, in walked his father, Abdul Kadir. Pleased at his son's abilities, Abdullah was allowed to understudy his father in his petition-writing business, and was sent to study under the finest scholars in Malacca.  
He was an avid reader of all the Malay manuscripts he could lay his hands on, and his inquiring mind gave his teachers no rest until they answered his questions. He went through great lengths to find tutors who could expound to him the intricacies of Malay idiom. He sat at the feet of and impressed learned visitors from other countries. 
In December 1810, Sir Stamford Raffles arrived in Malacca and hired the 13-year old young Abdullah as interpreter to communicate with the native rulers in their language (Malay?). Abdullah, the youngest employee, was one of the scribes and copyists preserving Malay literature and manuscripts, in Raffles's office in Singapore. 
1811: At age 14, he was already considered an accomplished Malay scholar. 
He documented the British Java invasion expedition, which later entered into his book, Hikayat Abdullah.
In his later book, "Hikayat Abdulah", Abdullah's diary accounts are the only eye-witness records of preparations for the British "1811 Java Invasion" expedition. 
Raffles had suggested taking him along but his mother refused to part with her only child. They were to meet nine years later in Singapore. He had a very high regard for Sir Stamford Raffles.
1812: Aged 15. Worked in Malacca.
1813: Aged 16. Worked in Malacca.
1814: Aged 17. Worked in Malacca.
1815: Aged 18. Abdullah married and worked in Malacca. He had 4 children-3 sons and a girl.
In 1815, Reverend William Milne (b. 1785 - d. 27 May 1822 Malacca), a 'London Missionary Society' missionary arrived and started free Bible classes for local children which 18-year old Abdullah attended, just to learn English. 
Rev. Milne soon discovered Abdullah's proficiency in Malay, and made him his teacher. Other Western missionaries followed, and Abdullah was kept busy teaching them Malay and translating the Gospels. 
Another missionary who arrived in September 1815, was a German, Rev. Claudius Henry Thomsen who became Abdullah's lifelong friend. He and Thomsen translated parts of the Bible into Malay, and produced lots of other printed material. 
Abdullah had four children from his marriage in 1815 to an unnamed woman (d. 17 May 1840). Towards the end of 1836 his favorite and only daughter died at the age of eight.
1816: Aged 19. Worked in Malacca.
1817: Aged 20. Worked in Malacca.
1818: Aged 21. Worked in Malacca. ACS Malacca was founded on 11 November 1818.
On 11 November 1818, Abdullah witnessed the foundation-stone laying of the Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) building by the ex-Resident of Malacca, Major William Farquhar (later Resident of Singapore 1819-1823).
1819: Aged 22. Worked in Malacca.
Sometime after June 1819, Abdullah came to Singapore to make a living as an interpreter. He taught Malay to Indian soldiers, British and American missionaries, and on occasion, was private secretary to Raffles. Some of the leading merchants like Edward Boustead and the Armstrong Brothers learnt Malay from Abdullah.
1820: Aged 23. His father died. Abdullah went to work with Raffles in Singapore. He liked Raffles.
1821: Aged 24. Worked in Singapore.
1822: Aged 25. Worked in Singapore.
His close friend, Rev. Thomsen left Malacca for Singapore on 11 May 1822.
1823: Aged 26. Worked in Singapore.
1824: Aged 27. Worked in Singapore.
1825: Aged 28. Worked in Singapore.
1826: Aged 29. Worked in Singapore.
1827: Aged 30. Worked in Singapore.
1828: Aged 31. Worked in Singapore.
1829: Aged 32. Worked in Singapore.
1830: Aged 33. Worked in Singapore.
In the late 1830s he assisted Rev. Benjamin Peach Keasberry in his school and Mission Press, and helped Rev. Keasberry to print a large number of books. Abdullah was engaged to assist him in polishing his Malay linguistic skills, and under Keasberry's guidance and encouragement, wrote his own life story. 
1836: Aged 38. Abdullah's only and favourite daughter passed away at age 8. He still had 3 sons.
1837: Aged 39. Abdullah and wife suffered the loss of their only daughter.
1838: Aged 40. Abdullah and wife mourned.
1839: Aged 41. Abdullah and wife were badly affected by their daughter's death.
1840: Aged 42. Abdullah's wife died and he began writing Hikayat Abdullah for 6 years (1840-46).
In 1840, he began writing the "Hikayat Abdullah" and continued writing his memoirs until September 1846. The Hikayat Abdullah was ready in 1846 but was published in 1849.
1841: Aged 43. Abdullah had lost his daughter and wife. He continued writing Hikayat Abdullah.
1842: Aged 44. Writing Hikayat Abdullah.
1843: Aged 45. Writing Hikayat Abdullah.
1844: Aged 46. Writing Hikayat Abdullah.
1845: Aged 47. Writing Hikayat Abdullah.
1846: Aged 48. Writing Hikayat Abdullah.
1847: Aged 49. Prepare for publishing Hikayat Abdullah.
1848: Aged 50. Prepare for publishing Hikayat Abdullah.
1849: Aged 51. Published Hikayat Abdullah

1850: Aged 52
1851: Aged 53
1852: Aged 54
1853: Aged 55
XXX: Munshi Abdullah went to perform his Hajj
1854: Munshi Abdullah (57) died in October 1854 in Jeddah, KSA, before performing the Hajj.

Career: Language teacher and interpreter
Languages: Proficient in Arabic, Tamil, Hindustani, English and Malay

Literary contributions:
Publication: Hikayat Abdullah, published in 1849 (Story of Abdullah)
What was Hikayat Abdullah about? It was his travels; travelogue, journal. Was it his autobiography?
Importance of his written work: He was the first local to furnish a written account of the daily life in Malaya. What about life in the other states in Malaya? What about life in Singapore?
Honour: He was honoured as "The Father of Modern Malay Literature."

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Tan Sri Datuk Wira Prof Dr Abdul Latiff bin Abu Bakar

Tan Sri Datuk Wira Prof Dr Abdul Latiff bin Abu Bakar


From my research:

Hj Noordin bin Ismail mempunyai 6 orang anak:
  1. Hj Abdul Rahman
  2. Saleh
  3. Hendon @ Enchau
  4. Hj Abdul Rahim
  5. Hjh Zabedah @ Che Bedah
  6. Hjh Aishah

Hjh Zabedah @ Che Bedah bt Hj Noordin (anak ke-5 Hj Noordin, sepupu Walid @ Mohd Yusope bin Hj Mohd Sharif)
Suami: Haji Ahmad bin Haji Awal (Ami Ahmad, suami Che Bedah)

Anak Che Bedah: 2 lelaki (dua pupu Bapak)

1. Abu Bakar bin Ahmad - 2 anak lelaki (see Cucu Che Bedah)
2. Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad - 1 anak perempuan

Cucu Che Bedah: 2 lelaki (my tiga pupu)

1. Tan Sri Prof Abdul Latiff bin Abu Bakar
2. Yusuf bin Abu Bakar


From Mahadhir Mohamad (19 June 2013):

Father: Abu Bakar bin Ibrahim (he was of short stature; anak angkat Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad)

Mother: ?

Sibs: many
1. Datuk Prof Dr Latiff bin Abu Bakar
2. Yusuf bin Abu Bakar

From Arkib Negara:

Date & birthplace: 1 November 1952, Kg Bandar Hilir, Malacca

Schooling and academic qualifications:
1. Sekolah Kebangsaan Ujong Pasir 1959-1964 (primary school)
2. Sekolah Menengah Tun Mutahir, Batu Berendam, Malacca 1965-1967. LCE 1967.
(This school was formerly the Anglo-Chinese School/ACS which Bapak attended before going to MCKK).
3. Sekolah Menengah Munshi Abdullah, Batu Berendam, Malacca 1968-1971. HSC 1971.
4. University of Malaya (UM). BA (with honours) 1975; MSc 1980; PhD 1997

Career path:
1. Tutor at UM, Dept of History 1975-1980
2. Lecturer, Creative and Descriptive Writing Programme, Dept of Malay Studies 1980-1987
3. Associate Professor, Dept of Media Studies 1989
4. HOD, Dept of Writing 1987-1991
5. HOD, Dept of Media Studies 1997-2001
6. Professor, 12 October 2001

Political career:
1. Ketua UMNO Cawangan Bandar Hilir, Melaka 1982-1987
2. AJK Pergerakan UMNO Kota Melaka 1984-1986
3. Setiausaha Biro Kebudayaan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, and
4. AJK Kerja Biro Kebudayaan dan Pendidikan UMNO Malaysia 1984-1988

Contributions to the community:
1. Ahli Pertubuhan Lembaga Bahasa Melayu Melaka 1970s-
2. Ketua 2 Gabungan Persatuan Penulis Nasional Malaysia (GAPENA) 1990-
3. Involved with MAYC National Youth Movement; Deputy  Chairman MAYC Malacca 1993-1998

1. Ahli Lembaga Perbadanan Muzium Melaka (PERZIM)
2. Ahli Lembaga Pengarah, Perbadanan Perpustakaan Melaka
3. Ahli Lembaga Pengarah, Institut Kajian Sejarah dan Patriotisme Malaysia (IKSEP)
5. Pengerusi Institut Seni Malaysia & Melaka 2000-
6. Help to plan and designed Bandaraya Melaka in 1995

1. Bintang Cemerlang Melaka (BCM) 1993
2. Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM) 1995 --- titled "Datuk"

Arkib Negara Malaysia

Abu Bakar bin Hj Ahmad

Hj Ahmad bin Awal is the son-in-law of Hj Noordin (menantu Hj Noordin). Hj Ahmad was also known as Ami Amad or Mohamad. Hj Ahmad married Hjh Bedah bt Hj Noordin, Hj Noordin's middle daughter. Hj Ahmad's son is Abu Bakar (not the same Abu Bakar bin Ibrahim).

Walid (Mohd Yusope bin Hj Mohd Sharif) and Hjh Bedah bt Hj Noordin were first cousins (sepupu).

Bapak (Hj Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope) and Abu Bakar bin Hj Ahmad were second cousins (dua pupu).

Abu Bakar bin Hj Ahmad is Bapak's dua pupu (second cousin). Abu Bakar is the son of Hj Ahmad @ Mohamad @ Ami Amad.

Abu Bakar was photographed with Hj Noordin and Walid's family at Pulau Besar in 1948 (Bapak's photo collection). Bapak had identified Abu Bakar. From the photo, Abu Bakar looked tall, big and sturdy as a young Malay man. This man is a different man from Abu Bakar bin Ibrahim.

Masjid Tengkera

Masjid Tengkera in Malacca was built in 1728 while Masjid Batu Uban in Penang was built in 1734. This means that Nakhoda Nan Intan was in Malacca first before he sailed up to Penang to settle there till he died.

Mahadhir Mohamad supplied photos of Masjid Tengkera and whatever information that is known about Nakhoda Nan Intan and his connection to the masjid.

saya juga telah ke masjid tengkera utk mengesan makam tuan sheik sahabudin. malangnya seorang ahli jawatankuasa masjid, encik ismail hamid tidak menyedari kewujudan tuan sheik sebagai imam mahupun berkenaan kewujudan makam. yg ada dakwanya adalah makam syeik idrus yg dakwanya waris mohammed saleh @ nakhoda intan. beliau juga percaya mohammed saleh yg berasal dari pagar ruyung telah terlebih dahulu membuka masjid tengkera sebelum belayar ke pulau pinang. begitupun beliau tak dpt menjelaskan bagaimana keturunan mohammed saleh kemudiannya terdiri dari kaum peranakan india.
... hj mazlan, ... juga tidak mengetahui byk asal usul masjid an nur banda hilir. bagaimanapun jkk masjid tengkera en ismail hamid berkata keturunan mohammed saleh masih ada berdekatan masjid tengkera. - Mahadhir Mohamad, 11 June 2013.